Eventbrite – Appboy Launch Party

I was in London for 2 weeks, and my evenings were pretty much free. As such, I browsed Eventbrite for some free events to hit up while I was in town. Turns out Eventbrite in London is hype, there is pretty much an event going on every day. Today in particular was the launch party of a tech startup, AppBoy. RSVP was free and it was held in their new office in Central London, free food and drinks so there was no excuse not to attend.

appboy office

Food and drinks were all out once we arrived, which featured a pretty generous spread of appetizers and an open bar. Since it was a tech event, most of the attendees were young new grads dressed down, so we had no problems blending in.

appboy food

This is the open bar

appboy open bar

appboy open bar 2

The Marshmellowist, a london based food startup also made a presence with offering free samples to everyone. We got a chance to chat with the owner and since their inception 2 years ago they managed to ship various luxurious department stores across UK and are planning to expand internationally. Using only shopify as their platform without a physical store they manage to keep costs down.

appboy marshmellowist

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